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The rest of my Com Life family were assigned to write about what community meant to them. I was exempt since I was in Africa…
I am stealing this from Teresa Tucker because it echoes my sentiments.
This is a journey. It’s not going to be easy and a month ago I didn’t even think that I would actually be here. It’s so abundantly clear that I am supposed to be here and God has a lot of work to do with me in the meantime…
Teresa’s blog below…
“Seven strangers, picked to live in a house together to have their lives taped, to find out what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real.”
September 1st this became somewhat of a reality. I actually had a few friends say to me that this Community Life thing  seemed kind of like the Real World just without the video cameras. Funny right? But really, those words in the quote above, which are quoted at the beginning of every episode of The Real World, hold truths that as a community we have been discovering and are now discovering even 5 months into this. When this journey into community started there were ups and downs. The downs stemmed from expectations brought in by each of us; what did we want from this time; An internship?  A new place to live? Something to do to pass the time?  Thus coming to the underlying question of: What is community and what is it going to mean for us?

For me personally, I saw this as an internship; something to add to the resume before Grad school. An internship with a mission organization looks pretty good to a Christian school right? Imagine my surprise when one of our first house meetings was about the Acts church and modeling after the community they shared.   A few people threw terms around like “choosing in” and “going there.” What does that even mean and look like? I mean, I didn’t even know these people and I am supposed to let them in, give them permission to call me out, challenge me and know me?   What a process this was of breaking me of my self-seeking and self focused attitude!  Even to realize how much this type of attitude was in me!  It was very humbling.  We all had to get on the same page, put our selfishness aside and choose into community and doing life together.

So where does that bring us to five months later? Well….there are now 12 of us and although our lives are not taped, I believe we are starting to see that it’s time to stop being polite and start getting real. It may get messy. You see, choosing into community doesn’t just mean going along with others for the sake of getting along, it means choosing to “go there” and taking a risk in exposing yourself to others even if it means that not everyone agrees and not everyone is comfortable.   This means asking for help, being vulnerable, and confronting/challenging others.  When you live with this many people day in and day out for this many months at a time, they become your support, family, the people you have to turn to and your mirrors when you need it.

This means that the selfish ways and pride have to be put aside and died to. It means saying that even though I am afraid of being an “inconvenience” with the things I’m going through or need to share, that I am going to go there because you matter and are worth it and  because this community matters and is worth it. How high is my safety and trust level to do this?  In the same respect it means that I will die to my selfish ways enough to be aware of and sensitive enough to my brother or sister when they have a need and in some cases I will need to “inconvenience” them by being asked what’s going on. It means taking the risk to walk alongside with and really be there for someone or to let someone really be there for you; realizing that they may or may not give anything in return….it’s just worth the risk, worth fighting for. How much do I always want it/fight for it?

It’s the same way with Christ. He gave Himself up for His beloved and expected nothing in return.  We were worth that much to Him. The way I see it is that if we are to be becoming more and more like Him all the time, isn’t this what we should be modeling and moving toward in our daily lives and interactions; especially in the context of community?  Slowly yet surely we are moving toward it….it won’t happen in a day, but it will happen with the Lord at the center of our community and not ourselves.  

“12 strangers coming to live in a house together, all with different expectations; only to lose them,  gain relationships and build a community centered around Christ and His glory rather than themselves and their glory”


One response to “What is Community?”

  1. Yes
    sister Toya,observations and reflections on the text of Teresa is very apt with regards to what commutnity is all about.Its about being Christ centred and and God exalting in all manners for this new kind of life to be enjoyable and reallistic.Thank you for the choice to face the reallity of it squarely.Remember that anyone that has God as his treasure has got all things in one.think about it:God bless you