I have recently finished leading my first team since coming home from Haiti. This was a bittersweet experience. The team was phenomenal and happened to be a church family that I love dearly. Rozetta you are awesome! I also connected deeply with some people from the church in Chicago and that kind of threw me for a loop. I always know that I am going to meet people but I keep finding kindred spirits and the Lord continues to blow my mind with that. We had a wonderful time of working with some inner city kids with deeply troubling circumstances, yet they are rising above it and New Life Pilsen has the great blessing of pouring into their lives on a daily basis. We also spent some time ministering to homeless people throughout Chicago and my heart is heavy today thinking about them. It’s freezing outside and I am privilidged to be in a warm home, with just about everything that I need. Several times when snowflakes fell over the weekend I lifted up some prayers on behalf of homeless everywhere. This wasn’t my first time ministering to the homeless but it has certainly touched my heart in a new way.
I have spent so much time with so many people in the last few weeks and leaving them has been harder on me this time. I had a great time with Allegan Church and their community wide supper on Thanksgiving. (last minute change of plans!) What a fabulous church with some dear people! Who knew?? After leading my trip, I was exhausted and was invited to stay in town and have Thanksgiving with them! I still managed to cook 2 more turkeys and 3 more pies! FUN, FUN!!
While my heart is full of joy, it is also broken. I’m missing people from all over the world and there is no way for me to touch all of you. Know that I love you!
I’m grateful to all of you, my wonderful friends and family for all of your support! I certainly can’t do what God has called me to do without you!! YOU, ME and JESUS, We are in this together.