- Deodorant
- Insect Repellant
- Sun Block
- More deodorant
- Insect Repellant
- More Sunblock
- Sweat – there is no glistening going on here. Fortunately everyone sweats with you!
On a serious note. During the plane ride I was asking God about meeting people and letting them go. This is hard and I don’t like it. I was given good advice before leaving Gainesville to dive in and love people even though I will only be here a short time. I wondered why I have to pour into people and receive from them knowing there is a great possibility that we will never see each other again. The Lord spoke… How do you think Jesus felt? He came to earth knowing that He would love and have to let go. He knew that people would reject Him yet He formed relationships, ministered and yet He didn’t hold anything back. He loved us enough to go without many of life’s luxuries (not to mention leaving all that Heaven has to offer) and ultimately He gave His for us so that we can live a life of freedom. If He can give that much, I can love as much and as hard as I can. I will let go knowing that each person is in the Lord’s hands. I can’t take care of them but He can. He gave us this time to be together, to learn from each other and grow.