Cooking Lunch in Cameroon
Hello All,
I am home from Africa and have been trying to motivate myself to pack and get ready to move to Georgia for my Com Life Experience. I’m not ready (got to load up the car and pack a few more clothes) but I AM leaving in the morning. It’s very surreal to be leaving my life behind and not necessarily knowing what the future holds.
I was pleasantly surpised last night to find anonymous gifts dontated to my Support Account.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to whoever you are. Thank you also to those of you who made general donations. I greatly appreciate you partnering with me and AIM on this missionary journey.
Africa was more than I could have ever dreamed. I went expecting to touch others lives and I was so greatly impacted. The people of Cameroon are the most loving, gentle and appreciative people that I have ever met. (Will post more later) I can’t wait to go back and hopefully spend a little more time there.
The buckets are what we used for showers. The shower head on the wall doesn’t work.
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