The Lord continues to blow my mind!
Achiever is a child that I met at the Hotpec Orphanage in Cameroon.
He has a severe case of Ricketts and his spine and legs are very twisted. We took him and he was placed on medication and a special diet.
I have been prayerful about his surgery and the funds needed to make it happen. As always, the Lord does things in His own time. We now have 100% of the money needed to help Achiever. Just like with Lydia’s surgery, the funds came in just before they were needed. In this case, the money is coming just before I head to Cameroon again! God is so good!!
This is why my life verse is Psalms 62:8, Trust in Him at all times ye people… We can’t do anything in or of ourselves. It is only by His grace and mercy that we are able to anything. I am grateful that the Lord has allowed me to be a part of His plan and we are able to help children all over the world.
In just a few weeks I will be leading a team (with my co-leader Kyle) of 15-18 year olds going to Cameroon to minister to orphans and other children throughout the country. Please be in prayer for us that we will do all that God is calling for us to do, that we will have safe travels, many people will come to know the Lord, and our walk with the Lord will deepen and we will grow stronger in Him.
Pray that the Lord will guide the Doctor’s working with Achiever and that everything will be as smooth as it can be.
I am so encouraged by what the Lord is doing and so happy to be used by Him.
Thank you Jesus! Thanks for sharing, what a great testimony of the faithfulness and goodness of our Lord!