I had the pleasure of working with one of the most diverse teams ever while I was in New Mexico.
The group with some Native Men we worshipped with
The group was under one church name for booking purposes but I found out a few days before leaving that there were actually people from 5 or 6 different churches that were coming together to participate on this mission trip. Several of them had been on mission trips before but almost half had not gone on any mission trips at all and they had not worked together at all. To make it even sweeter, they ranged in age from 16 – mid fifties, and more than half of the group were guys! WHOA!!!
Lord, what have I gotten myself into, I wondered. This is either going to be a great experience for them or it’s going to be a disaster. I quickly started pulling together team builders and various teachings on unity and Lyndsay and I prayed, prayed, prayed. Either I didn’t need to work so hard or God answered our prayers in a most unique way or we just had some supernatural grace. We didn’t have any problems. This was probably the most unified group that I had ever worked with. They were worker bees and they were hungry for more of the Lord.
worship under the stars
During one of our times, cleaning up the kitchen, I was telling the twins (with the last name of Renchin) about some of my fears leading up to the trip and how great things ended up. They kept me on my toes but they had me laughing so hard at times, I wasn’t sure there wouldn’t be an accident or two.
One of the twins looked me square in the eye and said, well, you ended up with two Renchins and a barrel full of monkeys! At least we make you laugh.
Laugh indeed, I am still laughing at the memories and missing my two Renchins and the giant barrel full of monkeys!